Academic Podcasts & Posters for Political Science 370 Spring 2020:Women in Politics

by Karolina Albert, Emily Bowerman, Austin Chapple, Alexander Elvir-Herrera, Patrick Healy, Viviana Hernandez, Kate Jolly, Ailexondra Lloyd, Anna Longacher, Maryclaire Muskett, Khaila Nelson, Maeve Reilly, Savannah Roberts, Lauren Talbert, Stephanie Turcios, Eva Waszak

Faculty mentor: Professor Cooperman

The academic podcasts and posters from Professor Cooperman’s Political Science 370 course, Women in Politics, asked students to create an original research project that examined a specific relevant issue related to gender in contemporary U.S. politics. These projects examine topics such as women’s political candidacy, voter outreach in the 2020 election, the politics of reproduction and abortion, sexual harassment and discrimination policies, and health status of women of color.

Student Podcasts:

Karolina Albert
Emily Bowerman
Austin Chapple
Patrick Healy
Viviana Hernandez

Ailex Lloyd

Khaila Nelson

Savannah Roberts

Lauren Talbert
Stephanie Turcios
Eva Waszak

Student Posters:

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